What Does Your Sleeping Position Reveal About Your Personality?
Are you getting the best sleep possible? It may be related to your sleeping position. According to sleep experts, it is possible to verify the relationship between your position in bed and your personality. Body language exists at all times even when we are sleeping. Some are surprised to learn their sleeping position exerts a powerful impact on their health.
Let’s find out the meaning of each sleeping position below.

1. The Fetus
It is sleeping sideways, shrunk with the knees towards the chest, arms crossed near the legs. It`s name derives from the position of the babies in the maternal womb.
It is the most frequent position used by most people. In the study cited above, 41% of the 1,000 participants chose it, women twice as much as men.
As for the personality, there are several variants. For example, “curling up” to sleep is related to sensitivity and being emotional, as well as the tendency for more intense relationships. The person may seem shy when meeting someone, but then relaxes and becomes very warm, loving and fears being hurt emotionally.
2. The Log
Characterized by sleeping sideways with legs stretched and held together at the shoulder line. The hands are usually next to the body or one of them under the pillow or even stretched.
It is adopted by 15% of the people interviewed in the survey. These people are uninhibited, laid back and uncomplicated. They are very sociable, get along with most people, feel good when they are part of a group, they trust others and are usually quite innocent.
3. The Yearner
The shoulder is straight, legs slightly bent forward, hands stretched forward, and can go under the pillow.
13% of study volunteers reported sleeping in this position. It denotes a more complex personality. Though friendly and open, this one tends to be a little cynical and suspicious of others. Decision-making takes place very calmly, but when you find a reason you can be very hard-headed and there is almost nothing that will change your mind. The Yearner can be the best friend and be nice to everyone.
4. The Soldier
Sleeps with the belly up, legs spread wide at the hips or shoulders, arms are stretched along the body (usually glued).
No more than 8% sleep this way, with chin facing the ceiling. These people are reserved, quiet, almost without strong emotions, do not talk much about themselves to others, do not like the “common” and have very high goals and objectives. They are loyal and protect their family and loved ones, as well as enhancing interpersonal ties.
5. The Starfish
Is the person sleeping facing upwards, with the arms circling partially or completely the pillow and the legs semiflexion or folded.
It is the preferred position of 5% of people, who are better as listeners of problems of others, very good friends, always willing to help others, but most of the time they prefer to be the center of attention wherever they are.
6. The Freefaller
It is called this because it seems that people have just fallen from the sky. They are lying on their stomachs, with their heads turned to one side, with one hand under the pillow or stretched up.
They represent 7% of respondents in the survey. They are very intense, extroverted, daring people and, in the end, very sensitive. According to sleep experts they love freedom very much, they do not like being “driven” about what to do (in any field, love, career, family, society, etc.), and do not like being criticized.