Five tips on how to save your neck and back when traveling

Five tips on how to save your neck and back when traveling

Typically, there is an uptick in travel plans every August. But this year we’re seeing more than ever given that travel was basically non-existent for the entirety of last year. Traveling is so goo...
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The Quick Headache Fix No One Told You About

The Quick Headache Fix No One Told You About

Earlier this year I noticed that I was getting migraine-like headaches. None of the normal triggers were present like red wine or extreme stress so it had me baffled. Turns out it was Digital eye stra
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How To Trim Your Dog’s Nails Without Stress

How To Trim Your Dog’s Nails Without Stress

Trimming paws is not fun. But it's a necessary, regular thing. Due to Covid-19 taking your pet to the groomers may have fallen a bit by the wayside. As well as not looking very nice (and potentiall...
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Why A Personal Car Vac is a Must Have

Why A Personal Car Vac is a Must Have

COVID has made me paranoid about touching highly used surfaces in public places. And this second wave has made my fear worse. Before COVID I was never crazy about using public car vacuums but they w...
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10 Simple Healthy Living Tips For Whole, Holistic Health & Wellness

10 Simple Healthy Living Tips For Whole, Holistic Health & Wellness

Summer is fast approaching and brings thoughts of beaches, vacations and travel. As we continue to recover from the global pandemic it is important to pay attention to our wellness, sleep and relaxa...
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Wellness: How to Ease Back Into the Office After Working From Home

Wellness: How to Ease Back Into the Office After Working From Home

Believe it or not, leaving your home office might actually be better for your health. Many of us are returning to the office after over a year of working from home. The transition can be jarring, bu...
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The Dark Side of the Sun – Driver Safety in the Face of Brightness

The Dark Side of the Sun – Driver Safety in the Face of Brightness

You may be the safest, most responsible driver in the world, but there are two periods of the day that will always increase your chances of a serious driving mishap, regardless of your skills and driv...
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Can Companies Actually Help Workers Stay Happy and Healthy?

More employers are providing mental-health benefits to employees. But is this what workers want – and can they actually help keep people well? When Eliza, 31, first went to work at a large US investm
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Why You Need Puzzles in 2021

Why You Need Puzzles in 2021

2020 was a tough year for everyone, so it’s more important than ever to develop positive physical, mental and emotional wellness routines as you tackle a new year and new challenges. As Americans cont...
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